For Our Members

Every month we´ll be uploading new content for our members. Behind-the-scenes videos, interviews, tutorials and exclusive interesting content from our expeditions for our Rescue Team members.

Rescue Team Videos

Some of our videos for Rescue Team members.

Mensaje desde Galápagos al equipo de Rescue Team
El Origen de Rescue The Planet
Protegiendo a la Arpía
La Ciencia Detrás de los Microplásticos
La liberación de animales más grande en Guatemala
Drift Cards
¿Pingüinos con gripe?
Microplásticos en Mariscos
¿Cómo se vive una expedición?

If you are not yet a member of the Rescue Team, we invite you to be part of our team.

With your contribution, we will be sending you a private link so you can access exclusive content. In addition to having priority when joining our expeditions.