About Us

Our Mission

We work tirelessly to rescue biodiversity and protect our precious environment. We connect science and nature with people's emotions worldwide, raising awareness and promoting tangible large-scale changes. Through high-quality audiovisual and photographic content, global campaigns, and collaborations with the media, we inspire people to recognize the beauty we are about to lose and take concrete actions to address current environmental challenges, such as plastic pollution, climate change, and species conservation.

Our Vision

We aspire to a sustainable world where the connection between science, nature, and human emotions leads to positive and lasting change in how we treat our planet. We envision global communities committed to protecting biodiversity and preserving the environment, where each individual recognizes their role as stewards of the Earth. Our inspiring and collaborative work will continue to be a driving force for transformation, creating a sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

Our Values

Integrity: Acting with honesty, transparency, and responsibility in all activities and relationships, maintaining coherence between declared values and actions taken.

Sustainability: Adopting practices and approaches that promote long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability, minimizing negative impacts on natural resources and human communities.

Education and Awareness: Prioritizing environmental education and public awareness as fundamental tools to inspire behavioral changes and promote a culture of respect and care for the environment.

Determination: Maintaining unwavering determination in the face of challenges and obstacles, persevering in the search for solutions and the achievement of goals despite adversity.

Empathy: Cultivating empathy towards all forms of life and people affected by environmental impacts, seeking to understand and address needs and concerns in a sensitive and compassionate manner.


Our Story

Rescue The Planet was born after Sergio Izquierdo, a contributing photographer for National Geographic, participated in a scientific expedition from Bermuda to Iceland on a sailboat. The objective of the expedition was to collect microplastic samples throughout the 23-day journey.

During the entire expedition he witnessed that microplastic was collected in all the samples.  It was extremely shocking by contrasting with the fact that 3/4 of the planet is sea.

Facing with this great problem and the existence of many NGOs financed or created by the plastic industry, and the varied information that has been given to the population to promote the interests of the same industry, Sergio Izquierdo along with Rocío Ruiz, writer for National Geographic Traveler, created Rescue The Planet.

Our Team

Sergio Izquierdo - Rescue The Planet
Sergio Izquierdo
Director & Co-founder
Jose Miguel Izquierdo - Rescue The Planet
José Miguel Izquierdo
Editor Assistant
Ninoshka López - Rescue The Planet
Ninoshka López
Biologist - Researcher
Rocio Ruiz - Rescue The Planet
Rocío Ruiz
Co-founder - Logistics
Alejandro Jaime - Rescue The Planet
Alejandro Jaime
Public Relations
Alejandro Jaime - Rescue The Planet
Juan José Ruiz
Project Manager
Edgar Dávila - Rescue The Planet
Edgar Dávila
Cameraman - Editor
Erick Pinedo - Rescue The Planet
Elizabeth González
Director of Educational Development
Erick Pinedo - Rescue The Planet
Erick Pinedo